Monday, March 29, 2010

Quick Check-In...

Today we are 33 weeks, 2 days pregnant!

Hi All!  I wanted to do a quick weekly check-in so I can get to posting my shower pictures.  Shawn and I are really realizing that our time is dwindling and we need to get moving to get stuff done, so we've been cleaning and organizing.  Sometimes I really wish I were one of the Disney princesses so I can have magical brooms, three fairy Godmothers with magic wands, and a team of forest creatures to storm my house and clean everything top to bottom.  If that were to happen, I promise I would whistle while they worked!  Anywho, time for the check-in and I'll post the shower stuff tomorrow!  :)

How far along?  33 weeks, 2 days.  47 days to go!  YIKES!!!
Total weight gain/loss:  Still at 124.4, total of 22.4 lbs gained
Stretch marks?  None yet :D
Sleep:  Decent to eh
Best moment this week:  I had a wonderful shower, more to come tomorrow!
Movement:  I can't even hide it anymore from the outside!  
Food cravings:  The cravings are still at bay, it's just now I'm on the See Diet.  Everything I see, I want to eat.
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  None this week
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    My nice, clean, organized guest room.
What I am looking forward to:  Our baby care class on Wednesday
Weekly Wisdom:  I should probably stop freaking out, because no matter what, Shawn and I will figure everything out.  
Milestones: We've got lots of baby stuff!!!

I don't really have a belly pic this week, but I will post pics tomorrow from the shower.  Till then!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Picture Says It All

Today we are 32 weeks and 6 days pregnant!

And we've got....................
days to go!

I realized that a few minutes ago and I've got two reactions:  OMG Yay!  and OMG We've got so much to do!  So with my impending shower, I am hoping that it will give Shawn and I the gusto to clean / clear / set up everything so we can begin the baby cuteness of pink and frills everywhere.  Wish us luck!  

Anywho, I will update after the weekend for my shower update and my 33 week check-in, so stop by after the weekend!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

32 Weeks And We're Educated!

Today we are 32 weeks, 3 days pregnant!

Hi All!  It's a sunny and warm day here in Austin, TX, which means spring is here!  Over the past few days, we've reached 32 weeks, my parents have been married for 40 years, and we have begun our baby education.  Shawn and I attended a six-hour childbirth class on Sunday, and it was entertaining, to say the least.  We learned a moderate amount, practiced different breathing techniques, and I saw a 10 centimeter circle.  I wish I hadn't seen that.  Oh well!  We also toured the Labor and Delivery unit where we are delivering.  Would you like to know how I felt during and after that tour?  Scared as hell!  It made it so real!  I've been hiding my uneasiness since then because I feel a little silly about it, but what can I say?  The thought of having a baby, from my body, hoping that everything cooperates for a healthy, safe delivery is a little overwhelming for me.  I know it will pass, or at least ease up a little, but I also think it's somewhat natural and normal to be a little scared.  Ugh!  During the tour, Shawn and I held tight to each other, and it was very reassuring.  Breathe in, breathe out!

We're beginning to get very busy around here, cleaning out the garage, emptying and then filling Sophia's room, organizing, and trying not to freak out.  My shower is this weekend as well, and I'm really excited!  I wish all my family and friends could be here, but I am blessed enough to have them all over the country.  The weather should be nice on Sunday, so hopefully I can wear a cute dress and show off my pregnant glow.  Haha!  Anywho, time for my 32 week check-in, here goes!

How far along?  32 weeks, 3 days.  53 days to go!
Total weight gain/loss:  Just weighed in at 124.4, total of 22.4 lbs gained
Stretch marks?  None yet :D
Sleep:  I think it's the calm before the storm...  As I've said, my pillow configuration has done me well!
Best moment this week:  Probably the class.  It was fun to do it together.
Movement:  The elbows poking through my sides and the feet in the ribs are sweet, but after about 15 minutes can get pretty tender!
Food cravings:  The cravings per se have slowed, it just depends on what food item I have seen or heard about last.
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  None this week
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Sleeping on my belly
What I am looking forward to:  My shower on Sunday!!!
Weekly Wisdom:  This too, shall pass.  Not so much pregnancy related, but still relevant.
Milestones: We've seen where we're giving birth!!!

Now for my latest picture, taken on the 17th.  Here I am 31 weeks, 4 days pregnant:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Again? And a Dr. Appointment...

Today we are 31 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

So I awoke at 3am with stomach pains, and again, yes again, I fell ill.  Thank goodness not as bad as last time, I had no ER visits, but still sick.  After 4 hours, I took the last Zofran I had from my last bout to squash the nausea and vomiting.  And YAY it worked enough for me to finally get some sleep.  So I already had an appointment scheduled this morning, so we mentioned everything to Dr. Hart, which resulted in an exam.  And when I say exam, I mean "exam" as you ladies know what I'm talking about.  Um, all I can say is OUCH!!!  Anywho, all is normal with the little one, the heartrate is 144bpm, so that's good.  I was sent home with more Zofran and a kit to get a stool sample to see what's going on with my stomach.  More fun.  Exciting times at the Maurer house!  

Wish me luck on that sample...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Star is Growing!

Today we are 31 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

Hi All!  Today I so very proudly present our first real view of our beautiful baby girl!!!  I cannot tell you how proud Shawn and I are, and how fun and touching yesterday was.  We got to spend about 30 minutes with an ultrasound tech and we got to see our baby girl moving, smiling, sucking her toes, pouting, and even sticking her tongue out!  So without further ado, here is our beautiful princess!

In this picture, Sophia is sucking her little toe, and her eyes are open.

Here, she's doing the same (she loved her foot by her face!) but with her eyes closed.  The tech said they like to lick their feet and hands after mommy eats something sweet, and I had just eaten Oreos.  :)

Here, Sophia is demonstrating how smart and pensive she already is.  Notice her eyes are open and her little fingers are in her mouth!

This is one of my very favorites.  She's smiling!!!  And look at that nose - she's got Shawn's little ski-slope nose!!!

I also love this picture.  She looks so peaceful.  And check out her little lips.  They're delicious!

Sophia is showing us her ability to pout already.  Can her cheeks be any cuter, along with her little puckered chin and bottom lip!?

And last but not least, here is our little angel resting again.  If you look behind her forehead, you can see she already has lots of hair (as the tech put it).  Also, I love love love her lips here.  I love her.

Anywho, there are plenty more pics that I will make available eventually.  She's amazing and I can't wait to hold her!  Shawn was the picture of a proud Daddy yesterday and couldn't take his eyes off of her.  I don't think he stopped smiling once, not even for a second!  I love him, I love her, I love my life!  I really do feel so very blessed and I couldn't be more thankful for all that I have!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Get To See Our Little Girl!

Today we are 31 weeks, 4 days pregnant!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!  Just wanted to say a quick hello and let everyone know how excited Shawn and I are to get our 4d ultrasound today.  I've been drinking water like crazy!  (The better hydrated you are, the clearer your amniotic fluid will be and the more likely you are to get a clear picture).  I drank over 68 ounces of water yesterday and will try to drink as much as I can today before our appointment.  Anywho, wish us luck!  I will post pics as soon as we get them!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Less Than Ten

Today we are 31 weeks, 2 days pregnant!

So I love saying that "we" are pregnant.  It's just something that tickles me.  But I read an article recently how some women think it is, and I quote, "the dumbest statement" and that the woman "is pregnant, not my husband."  To this I reply, why so grumpy?  After all, I would not be here without Shawn, and he wouldn't be here without me.  We are having a baby, we are going through changes, and we are experiencing all the emotions, fears, excitement, etc about this baby, so yes, "we" are pregnant!  And if any weird stranger has a problem with that, or thinks I'm dumb for saying it, well then they can kiss our pregnant butts.  ;)

Anywho, I can't believe that there are less than ten weeks left.  As a matter of fact, we've got 8 weeks, 5 days to go.  Wow!  61 days!  And there's still so much to do!  And I am definitely getting to the point, if I haven't gotten there already, that I am pretty darn uncomfortable most of the time.  Shortness of breath, extra weight, heartburn, and can I say hip pain?  So I guess there is a good point to being so much closer to my due date!  I feel more connected to this little baby every day, and I love it.  When I am busy throughout the day, and don't get as much time to connect with her, to pay attention to feeling her move, I find myself feeling anxious throughout the night and normally have restless dreams.  They normally wake me, and I will try to roll over a couple times to wake her so I can feel her move and count her little jabs.  Only then do I start to fell a little better.  This is the stage where she moves less than she did before, because she's growing so fast in my belly that she's starting to run out of room.  I can't wait to be able to see her.  I just can't.  Though I know that a whole new set of fears will come into my life.  This I know.  Recent events in my life have made me realize this even more.  I have found that the terror of losing a child is enough to strike fear in my heart already, and that I'm beginning to understand a mother's love.

So now for a little light-hearted fun, it's time for my weekly check-in, so here goes!

How far along?  31 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss:  Just weighed in at 123.2, total of 21.2 lbs gained
Stretch marks?  None yet :D
Sleep:  Aside from a few restless nights, it's still pretty good
Best moment this week:  Shawn and I found the cutest dress this week, and he loved it.  Too bad they didn't have the right size for the seasons!  But it just made me so very happy to see him so happy.
Movement:  She's still active, but slowing a little because she's growing so fast.  I still get my 10 movements in less than 10 minutes, though! 
Food cravings:  Not so much cravings this week, but I go from my salty to sweet to salty to sweet!
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  Still some Braxton Hicks, especially when I'm moving around 
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Walking without pain!
What I am looking forward to:  Our baby classes (childbirth, baby care, etc)
Weekly Wisdom:  This love is different than anything I've ever felt, and it's wonderful.
Milestones: I totally feel and look pregnant!

Stay tuned for our next appointment on Friday afternoon!  And here is a pic of me on Saturday, Shawn and I were doing some shoe shopping and I had to take a minute to sit! 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Do You Say Good Morning?

Today we are 30 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

To answer my question, normally I just say "Good morning!" in my cheery voice.  How does Sophia say good morning?  A swift kick to the ribs, apparently!  That was enough to get me going!  I think it was because Daddy was talking about sandwiches this morning, which in turn, made me hungry.  As does any mention of food, really.  So I suppose our little one decided it was time to get up and go eat.

Anyway, I won't kick you in the ribs, but I will say Good Morning!  :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today we are 30 weeks, 1 day pregnant!

Hi All!  Today is my 30 + 1 day, I am 31 and 30w1d prego!  Things are good here at the Maurer household, we're getting more excited every day.  My birthday wish was even more poignant than ever, seeing as though we have so many important things to wish for this year.

Our little one has found a preference for kicking and sticking in my ribs, and I think she thinks it's funny.  I love letting our friends touch my belly, especially when she's moving around.  I never get tired of the reactions!  It makes me happy to know that so many people already love her and can't wait to meet her, and she's not even born yet.  What a lucky, lucky baby!

Anywho, it's time for my weekly check-in, so without further ado...

How far along?  30 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss:  121 as of Friday, I went down a pound since I've still been taking it easy on my stomach since being so sick.  My appetite is building, though!
Stretch marks?  None yet :D
Sleep:  You know, I can't really complain!  It's been awesome this week, so I think I'll take advantage of it.
Best moment this week:  Sharing my birthday with awesome people
Movement:  A lot!  
Food cravings:  Donuts, watermelon, fajitas
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  I've started feeling a little tiny bit crampy sometimes, and I still get Braxton Hicks once in a while
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Not having to struggle to get out of bed / off the couch / up from a sitting position.
What I am looking forward to:  Elton John on April 10th!
Weekly Wisdom:  We've got a living, moving human being that I'm carrying!
Milestones: We're 75% done with this pregnancy, we're in the homestretch!

And now for my most recent picture, taken last night at 30 weeks...

Friday, March 5, 2010

30 Week Appointment

Today we are 29 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

Just wanted to let y'all know we had an appointment today, and all is well!  Heart rate is good, still in the 140's.  My belly is apparently measuring 31 weeks, but we'll see...  Anywho, have a great weekend!

Our next appointment is two weeks from today, Friday, March 19th at 11:20am CT.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good Evening...

Today we are 29 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

Hi all!  I just realized I totally skipped my 29 week check-in, but no worries, I will update this weekend.  We hit 30 weeks this Saturday, so that's pretty big in my book.  Also, I turn 31 on Sunday, another year older!  And last but not least, we have our first two-week interval appointment tomorrow at 11:20am CT.  Things are moving faster these days (well not me, but my waddle is doing okay!).  Anywho, I'll update y'all on Saturday.  Til then!

Eh, I'll post a funny pic, too.  T'was a surprise picture and it shows my belly in all it's glory.  Taken at 29 weeks, 3 days.