Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sophia is one day shy of 15 months old!

So I realize that I have been awful about blogging lately.  But I'm on today, so I'll blog.  Sophia is happily playing away with one of her five thousand toys that have amassed in our living room, so I have the time.

For a quick update, Sophia has four teeth up top, two full teeth on the bottom, and one that just broke through on the bottom a week ago.  She's eating grown-up food now, like pasta (she loves pasta, mainly wagon wheel pasta), mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, peas and carrots, cookies, Goldfish, etc.   She's still really petite, she fits into a lot of 6-9 month clothing still, but that is exactly how I was as a child, so she's gearing up to be just like mommy!  Sophia started crawling around 10 1/2 months, standing at 11 months, and walking at 12 1/2 months.  She was a bit of a late crawler, but she just motored on to walking so quickly!  And now there's just no stopping her.  Don't know if that's a good thing or not...  ;)

One of her favorite things to do is dance.  We watch Nick Jr. here at home, and every time music comes on (which is often), she bounces up and down and laughs.  There's a show called The Fresh Beat Band that has a music video that comes on, and it's her favorite!  She gets so excited, calls out to us, and then dances like she's never danced before!  It's pretty funny to watch.  :)

Sophia's first birthday went great, we had a little party here at our pool.  It was Hello Kitty themed, and Sophia even wore a little Hello Kitty onesie with a Mommy-made tutu.  Here are a few pics from that day:

Let's see, what else...  well actually I don't have time for more for now, but hopefully I will return soon to add more.  I promise I will!  I've got more to add, more pictures and everything, so stay tuned!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Breaking" News! We've Got...


Sophia is 8 months, 1 week, and 5 days old!

Yes, you heard (read) me right, we've got a tooth just barely peeking in.  It is just poking through the gum, just to where, if you know what to look for, you see it.  Just a tiny white line, but it's there!  And boy, does it feel sharp!  Anywho, I will get a picture of it as soon as you can see it!  By the way, it is her left bottom center tooth.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Resolve to Post More!

Sophia is 7 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days old!

Which means, in just 4 short days, she will be 8 months old.  I cannot even begin to express how fast time flies, but I am guessing that most of you already know this.  When I think back to where we began just 8 short months ago, I feel so proud about how far she has come.  True, it is just normal human development, but it is nothing short of a miracle when I see it in my own sweet baby!

Let me also say Happy New Year to everyone!  I promise to update this blog more, if you promise to read it!  We start this year off all healthy (with the exception of some passing colds), happy, and wise.  Shawn is beginning his final semester of his Baylor Executive MBA program, so he'll be done in April, yay!  He's still doing extremely well, as he is basically a walking encyclopedia.

Sophia is excelling and haven't had any problems except for her colic and her acid reflux.  We have stopped the Omeprazole (basically generic version of Prilosec) and she does not seem to have any symptoms anymore.  We've started solids as of two months ago, and we've tried a variety of foods.  So far she likes:
Butternut Squash
Sweet Potatoes

And she tolerates:

I have been purchasing organic baby foods to start with, and to experiment with what she likes and doesn't like, but as soon as I have all her preferences somewhat down, I will begin preparing her food from home.  I have a brand new Kitchenaid stand mixer from my parents, two baby food grinders, and two really neat books from Mary that I am excited to dig into!

We spent Christmas in San Diego and Sophia got to meet not only her cousins, but her Auntie Suzie, Aunt Kim, and Uncle Brian as well!  In addition to seeing them, she also got to see Auntie Jeanine, Oma, and Grampa again.  Everyone loved her!  Seeing the three cousins together was part surreal and part adorable.  Nothing like adding a generation to the family to make you feel your age, huh?

Anywho, here are a few tidbits to get you caught up with Sophia, and then I will begin to post as we go:

Sophia is sitting up and can do so on her own!  This helps Mommy gain a little independence as Sophia is happier to sit and play on her own.  We still have no teeth, but I am expecting one to drop by any day now.  I mean, we don't have any bumps or anything, but it's about time, right?  My favorite thing that she does is now she dances.  She bops up and down when a fun song comes on and I think it's so cute.  She's also babbling, kind of a cross between "Ba", "Ma", and "Da".  Kind of a "bmda bmda bmda" if you will.  Hopefully she will add to her vocabulary soon!  Still no crawling over here, but you can tell her wheels are cranking in that noggin of hers!  She kinda moves her little rump up and down as if she knows that her legs need to come next, but we're just not there yet.  All in time!

I will post a few pictures soon, but it's about naptime, so Mommy duty calls!

Love you all and will update soon!