Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Progress Report

Today we are 37 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

So I realize I skipped out on my 37 week checkin.  I'm getting lazy.  Sorry.  Pretty much all I can say is I'm uncomfortable (to put it nicely) and sometimes a little grumpy.  I'm weighing in at 132, so a total of 30 lbs gained, however last night I was at 135 but peed out 3 lbs over the course of trying to sleep.  That was very fun, struggling to get out of bed a thousand times.  Anywho.

Today at our appointment, I am still one centimeter dilated but I am 60% effaced.  Dr. Hart offered to strip my membranes today, but since I wasn't mentally prepared for it (control freak) and Shawn has two finals to turn in next week, we decided to wait until our next appointment, Friday the 7th at 11:20am.  So we'll see if this gets things going!

I totally feel as if this little girl has definitely run out of room.  Her movements just feel different and I can feel everything.  I'm still hoping my belly doesn't split wide open at any moment.

We've gotten some things accomplished, we set up her bassinet, I set up a temporary changing and dressing station in our room (temporary since we are moving May 28th), and I've purchased mostly everything we need.  All her clothing is laundered and folded, ready to go.  Still to do is install the carseat and set up the stroller, pick up our glider, breast pump, and monitor (all has been ordered), and we need to pack our hospital bags.  Then I just need to do one last clean sweep of the place to make sure we've got as much room as we possibly can have for when we get home and we're good to go!  Oh, and then I just need to push a watermelon out of my body, that's all.  ;)

Anywho, I'll put in a few pics for your enjoyment.  :)  If things change, I'll update here if I can!

Heeeere's me!  One day short of 38 weeks...

Side view of the bassinet, given to us by Grandma Mary!

Front view, with our sleep positioner in the bassinet

Bird's eye view of Sophia's temporary changing station!  Her temporary drawers are on the right hand side of the pic.  We only needed enough space to keep a few weeks worth of clothing, so we made it work!  But we've got diapers, wipes, lotions, burp cloths, wash cloths, etc all set up!

Now all we need is a baby to change...  Check back for more updates!  xoxo

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Progress Report

Today we are 36 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

Hello!  Just got back from my 37 week appointment and I thought I'd share my progress with y'all.  I am a centimeter dilated and her head is nice and low.  When I told Dr. Hart that Shawn's guess was the 7th thru the 10th, her reply was "that sounds good!"  I thought she'd say, "Oh no, you'll go past your due date..." but she didn't!  Her guess is that Saturday the 8th around 3am.  Yipes!  So we'll see, start your guesses now!  She (Dr. Hart) said anytime after next weekend is good with her...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Less Than a Month To Go, Wow!

Today we are 36 weeks, 4 days pregnant!

Hi all!  Thank goodness this week is almost over!  I say this because Shawn has been in DC since Sunday and I cannot wait for him to come home.  The dogs miss him terribly, too, and have become very clingy to mommy as of late.  I am purchasing my glider tomorrow from Babies R Us and I got to try them all out today.  I went with the complete opposite of what I thought I wanted, which is turning out to be somewhat typical for me!  But I have to purchase it by tomorrow or my 20% coupon expires, and me and saving money go hand-in-hand.  It retails for $200 but I will be getting it for $160, so that helps!  It is really small, so it fits me to a T, and it suits my extremely freakishly short calves to where I can actually touch the floor when I sit in it.  So yay!  :)

As of our last OB appointment, last Friday, we've had a little tiny bit of progress, so I will post that in my check-in.  This was the first of our weekly appointments and we have the following scheduled appointments:
Friday, 4/23 @ 11am
Friday, 4/30 @ 11am
Friday, 5/7 @ 11:20am

So here is my check-in, where you can read about how uncomfortable I am.  This may be a grumpy one...

How far along?  36 weeks, 4 days.  24 days to go!
Total weight gain/loss:  As of last night, 129.8.  Yes, I said 129.8 instead of 130.  I am not a fan of rounding up.
Stretch marks?  Still none, thank God, but I'm still looking...
Sleep:  It's been terrible, especially since Shawn has been gone.  I don't sleep when he's not here!
Best moment this week:  I think we're pretty close to being done for our initial baby purchases...
Movement:  I feel like she gets lower and lower.  She may be really running out of room because she's not as hyperactive as she used to be, but we've still got the minimum 10 movements in 2 hours.  I just wish she'd stay off of the nerve that runs right through my cervix.  Seriously.  Talk about shocking pain!
Food cravings:  Really at this point, just rotating between salty and sweet and salty again.  I love food.
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  Soooo Dr. Hart said I am a little less than a pinky tip dilated.  Sounds tiny, but it freaks me out!  I've had minimal cramping / contractions, but nothing timeable or constant or steady.  Just once in a while.
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Being mobile.
What I am looking forward to:  Shawn coming home!!!
Weekly Wisdom:  That it is okay to be paranoid.  This is my little baby girl and I just want the best for her.  And that no concern or question is stupid.  (Thanks, Jamie <3 ) 
Milestones: We're less than a month away from meeting our little girl!  And I'm beginning to dilate!

Check back after Friday to see what our new progression will be.  I wonder if we'll end up going early or past my due date!!!

And here's a pic for you!  Taken just now, please excuse how crappy I look, I had to take my own picture and after a few attempts, I figured this was good enough.  :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Just In: We're Crazy

Today we are 35 weeks, 3 days pregnant!

So yeah, we're crazy.  Let's look at our history first...

In the second week of October 2007, we:
     a) Threw a wedding completely planned by yours truly
     b) Got married
     c) Changed professions / educational status
     d) Moved from California to Texas
All in one week.  All.  In.  One.  Week.

So what are we doing now?  Oh, nothing.  Just moving residences two weeks after our estimated due date. Yup, you read me correctly!  Thank goodness it's only a few doors down, same gated neighborhood.  Why are we moving?  The unit we are moving to is larger, with a larger kitchen, two car garage, more storage, and an all over better layout.  It's right next to the pool, which will be nice in the warmer months.  I love that there are more windows which equals much better natural lighting, so overall we're pretty excited.  Will it be a lot of work?  Yes.  Will Shawn and I grumble at eachother during those stressful days of moving?  Probably.  But I choose to look on the bright side and realize that we're getting a better place.  So I'm happy!

Here are a couple of pictures, courtesy of the listing...
This is the kitchen.  We have more counter space and more cabinets!

This is the living / dining room looking at it from the entryway.  This is not our furniture.

This is the master bath.  The closet is HUGE and as you can see, has a separate tub from the shower.  I can't wait for that.
Here is our, and I must sing this part because I am sooo happy, Two-car garage!!!!!  And do you see all the storage shelves lining the walls?  And the closet all the way to the right, next to the water heater, is another huge closet.  Aaaaah.

Last but not least, the back yard.  Smaller than ours now, but cute and level.  Which will be nice for Sophia when she starts toddling around!  :)

So there you have it!  We're crazy, but sane at the same time.  If that's possible.  We move May 28th and our new address will be:
4620 W. William Cannon Dr. #12
Austin, TX  78749

Sunday, April 11, 2010

35 Weeks Down...

Today we are 35 weeks, 1 day pregnant!  34 days to go!

Hi all!  So last night, Shawn and I went to see none other than Sir Elton John.  It was an honor for me, to say the least.  So there I was, walking my 35 week pregnant behind up and down the stairs to our seats and managed to only use the potty once, which was pretty surprising.  I had a little talk with Sophia, and made her promise not to be spunky and arrive early, and she thankfully obliged.  So Elton John was a success!  Although finding something to wear was another story.  I needed something cute that I could wear with flip flops, since my feet and toes have started to swell off and on, so I settled on a dress I already had.  Thank goodness for empire waists and cotton!  So here's me before the concert and also your 35 week belly pic:

Here's from the front :)

And from the side!  Hi belly!

Anywho, since it's been a while, I'll catch you up a little...  About a week ago, the baby has begun to drop.  This is good for progress, but bad for my hips and back.  Um, ouch.  Having a head in your pelvic region really does not feel very good.  And I think she may be sticking something pointy in my cervix from time to time, which, from what others have equated it to, feels like lightning in your nether regions. Sounds fun, right?  Riiiiight.  So I have technically gotten to the point where I am very uncomfortable, in pain at times, and now I'm officially allowed to complain.  We're in the homestretch, which is exciting, but scary as well.  The nursery is emptied out, ready for the furniture, so we just have to pick it up and set those suckers up!  Here's the room almost emptied out:
This picture is taken from where the closet is, and the door is on the right hand wall, closest to the wall with the window.  I'll post more pictures later when we're setting it up!

So now time for my weekly check-in...  Here goes!

How far along?  35 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss:  Weighed in yesterday at 128, total of 26 lbs gained.
Stretch marks?  Still none, thank God, but I'm still looking...
Sleep:  Gone way downhill again.  Between the pain, discomfort, and the thoughts I can't quiet, I'm not sleeping much these days...
Best moment this week:  Seeing Elton John perform
Movement:  She's dropped, so movement is a little lower than before, but her feet still find comfort in my ribs.  She is jabbing me right this minute, and it hurts!
Food cravings:  I get thirsty these days, as it has gotten warmer and more important for me to stay hydrated so I swell the least amount possible.  I had the best lemon slushy from Sonic yesterday and I would like another one today...  This and the bag of Dove chocolates next to me.
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  I have tightening and some Braxton Hicks, but nothing a little breathing doesn't manage
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Walking without severe pain
What I am looking forward to:  A drink.  Is that bad?
Weekly Wisdom:  I'm going to be a Mommy.  Seriously.  This is going to be huge.  
Milestones: Our room is ready to set up, and yesterday we were 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days to go.  

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time For a Shower!

Today we are 33 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

Sorry this is so late!  So here's how my shower went:

First, the weather was perfect!  I was able to wear a sundress that I was completely comfortable in but still was able to look put together in (hopefully!).  I had a short walk, three doors down, to get to my event and was already giddy.  I had the best group of friends and it was really fun!  We played a few games, guests had to guess the circumference of my belly and my neighbor Marisa won, she was accurate to almost a quarter of an inch!  Shawn got to guess when he came by at the end, and he was waaaaaay off.  And not in the good way...  I think he used half the spool of ribbon!  Shawn!  We also decorated onesies, and they really got into it!  They were so cute (pics to come) and Meghan Meehan's onesie, which said "My mom is prettier than your's" won!  My vanity loved that one!  The final game was "who knows the baby the best," which consisted of a list of about ten questions that I came up with in regards to Sophia and the pregnancy. Angela won!  All winners got the "Nickie's pregnancy survival kit" which was a back massager thing from Bath & Body Works, yummy hand sanitizer from B&B as well, which I use all the time, and lotion.  Speaking of gifts, man did I get some!  I am amazed and honored by the generosity of all our family and friends!!!  I feel, for the first time, that we are this close to having everything we need, and it's so exciting!  Shawn and I will be emptying the guest room this weekend so we can set everything up, and I can't wait to post pictures on here for you all to see.  Speaking of pictures, here are a few from the shower!

I made favors for everyone to thank my guests.  They are homemade white chocolate baby bottle lollipops with handmade tags.  I loved them!

You can get a small view of the diaper cake that Meagan and her sister made for me, sooo cute!

Even little Aidan wanted to be part of the picture!  Starting with me, clockwise, there is Marisa, Michele, Meghan Meehan, Ashley, and Seth.  Not pictured:  Angela, Meagan Martin, Alicia, Laura, and Shawn

Aaah, the pregnant lady.  And my faux mimosa.  Mmmm!

Here you can see some of the onesies that were created.  Meagan cheated by playing on Shawn's heartstrings since he got to vote.  Hers said "Daddy's Little Gator."  ;)

Sooo much baby stuff!!!

Counterclockwise:  Me, Meagan (hostess #1), Alicia, Michele, Marisa, Angela (hostess #2), Ashley, and Meghan.  Not pictured:  Laura, Seth, and Shawn

The happy parents to be!  

Mmmm cupcakes!  The ones that Sophie (Meagan's doggie) didn't get, that is!  I think I have personally eaten five of them myself, oops!


I should have more pics soon, but these show the beauty and happiness that were my shower.  I loved it, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.  I hope that everyone in my life knows how blessed I feel and how blessed I know I am.  I love my family, and I love my friends.  I only hope that I can bring the same joy in your lives that you have brought to mine.  xoxo