Sunday, April 11, 2010

35 Weeks Down...

Today we are 35 weeks, 1 day pregnant!  34 days to go!

Hi all!  So last night, Shawn and I went to see none other than Sir Elton John.  It was an honor for me, to say the least.  So there I was, walking my 35 week pregnant behind up and down the stairs to our seats and managed to only use the potty once, which was pretty surprising.  I had a little talk with Sophia, and made her promise not to be spunky and arrive early, and she thankfully obliged.  So Elton John was a success!  Although finding something to wear was another story.  I needed something cute that I could wear with flip flops, since my feet and toes have started to swell off and on, so I settled on a dress I already had.  Thank goodness for empire waists and cotton!  So here's me before the concert and also your 35 week belly pic:

Here's from the front :)

And from the side!  Hi belly!

Anywho, since it's been a while, I'll catch you up a little...  About a week ago, the baby has begun to drop.  This is good for progress, but bad for my hips and back.  Um, ouch.  Having a head in your pelvic region really does not feel very good.  And I think she may be sticking something pointy in my cervix from time to time, which, from what others have equated it to, feels like lightning in your nether regions. Sounds fun, right?  Riiiiight.  So I have technically gotten to the point where I am very uncomfortable, in pain at times, and now I'm officially allowed to complain.  We're in the homestretch, which is exciting, but scary as well.  The nursery is emptied out, ready for the furniture, so we just have to pick it up and set those suckers up!  Here's the room almost emptied out:
This picture is taken from where the closet is, and the door is on the right hand wall, closest to the wall with the window.  I'll post more pictures later when we're setting it up!

So now time for my weekly check-in...  Here goes!

How far along?  35 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss:  Weighed in yesterday at 128, total of 26 lbs gained.
Stretch marks?  Still none, thank God, but I'm still looking...
Sleep:  Gone way downhill again.  Between the pain, discomfort, and the thoughts I can't quiet, I'm not sleeping much these days...
Best moment this week:  Seeing Elton John perform
Movement:  She's dropped, so movement is a little lower than before, but her feet still find comfort in my ribs.  She is jabbing me right this minute, and it hurts!
Food cravings:  I get thirsty these days, as it has gotten warmer and more important for me to stay hydrated so I swell the least amount possible.  I had the best lemon slushy from Sonic yesterday and I would like another one today...  This and the bag of Dove chocolates next to me.
Gender:  It's a bambina!
Labor Signs:  I have tightening and some Braxton Hicks, but nothing a little breathing doesn't manage
Belly Button in or out?  Out.  Very out.
What I miss:    Walking without severe pain
What I am looking forward to:  A drink.  Is that bad?
Weekly Wisdom:  I'm going to be a Mommy.  Seriously.  This is going to be huge.  
Milestones: Our room is ready to set up, and yesterday we were 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days to go.  

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