Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Maurer Milestones

Today we are 14 weeks, 3 days pregnant!

No big newsworthy events so to speak, but I think these are pretty groovy points...  First of all, as of yesterday, I have hit the triple digits!  I've been pregnant for 100 days!  As of Sunday, our estimated due date was exactly 6 months away.  While I feel like this is going sooooo slow, most people think it has gone by so fast.  Also, we find out the gender in exactly a month from today!  Yayyyy!  Shawn still feels girl, but there is something inside my head, heart, and gut that feels boy.  I don't really know why, and I can't put my finger on it, but it's just this tiny little feeling I have.  So we'll know next month!  Shall we make you all wait until Christmas day to find out or will I end up telling everyone within five minutes of us finding out?  Haha!  So last but not least, for the first time in about 8 weeks, I actually wanted my go-to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.  I haven't been able to stomach the thought of it since about 7 weeks along, but yay, I had my first bowl today!  Life is getting to be back to normal once again.  Well, at least for a short while!!!

Thank you for reading my extremely exciting posts, your support means so much to me!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Truth be told, now that I'm reading this, I only ended up eating a small bowl. And normally I eat the whole darn thing. It was good, but just not AS good as it used to be, so it kind of turned me off of it a little bit. We'll see if I can go back to it after May...
