Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another View

Just another view of our beautiful baby.  The doctor showed us the nasal plate, which was very comforting since 70% of babies born with Downs Syndrome don't have this nasal plate.  The NT measurement (fluid in back of the neck) was 2.1 which he said was 'very normal and a very popular number.'  This is also used to predict if the baby has DS.  We are awaiting the results of a blood test to accompany the scans, but I feel much better now!  :)  By the way, the baby now measures 5.9 centimeters crown to rump!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! I didn't think you would already be able to see the little bugger! I am so excited for you, and so thankful that it is healthy pregnancy so far!!
