Friday, November 27, 2009

My First "Bump" Pictures!

Today we are 15 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I'm writing this a little late, so it's technically Friday and we're 15 weeks 6 days, but in the spirit of the holiday, let's just keep it at Thursday.  :)  Anywho, I've got my first pictures of my belly as I finally feel like I'm showing the tiniest bit.  And yes, that's exciting to me!  So here goes...  First picture is before I was able to see any real difference, at 10 weeks, 2 days.  The second picture is this evening, before Thanksgiving dinner unfortunately, so at 15 weeks, 5 days.  Enjoy!

Shawn sure does look proud, doesn't he?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Maurer Milestones

Today we are 14 weeks, 3 days pregnant!

No big newsworthy events so to speak, but I think these are pretty groovy points...  First of all, as of yesterday, I have hit the triple digits!  I've been pregnant for 100 days!  As of Sunday, our estimated due date was exactly 6 months away.  While I feel like this is going sooooo slow, most people think it has gone by so fast.  Also, we find out the gender in exactly a month from today!  Yayyyy!  Shawn still feels girl, but there is something inside my head, heart, and gut that feels boy.  I don't really know why, and I can't put my finger on it, but it's just this tiny little feeling I have.  So we'll know next month!  Shall we make you all wait until Christmas day to find out or will I end up telling everyone within five minutes of us finding out?  Haha!  So last but not least, for the first time in about 8 weeks, I actually wanted my go-to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.  I haven't been able to stomach the thought of it since about 7 weeks along, but yay, I had my first bowl today!  Life is getting to be back to normal once again.  Well, at least for a short while!!!

Thank you for reading my extremely exciting posts, your support means so much to me!  :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What A Stocking Stuffer!

Today we are 14 weeks pregnant!

Well hello, all!  As this holiday season is floating in, I just had to make some purchases.  And I am going to share them with you now...  Every year, Shawn and I pick a Christmas ornament with the year on it, sort of a little tradition we're trying out.  So what better type of ornament to buy this year?

Well, that's about it for now, still looking forward to the 17th of December, when we find out Team Blue or Team Pink!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Normal Results!

Today we are 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant!

Hi all!  Just a couple things today, first of all, I've started my SECOND TRIMESTER!  This means a couple things, such as, had I not blabbed so early because I couldn't keep it from any of you :), you would all be finding out right about now.  But we all know that I have a hard time keeping any happy news in!  Second, it means that hopefully I will start feeling better soon.  I've chosen not to take any medications for nausea, regardless of my OB/GYN's gentle suggestion, because quite honestly, no amount of happy images will ever take the pictures I have seen of children of thalidomide out of my head.  So I'll deal with the sick feelings with the great and helpful suggestions I've gotten from my family and my friends.  Without all of you, I would have gone crazy in the last three months!

Second, I got some good news today!  The genetic counselor from the office we got our NT scan done at called me today with my results.  Our results are normal!  What she told me is that we started out our pregnancy with a 1 in 400 something chance of having a child with a genetic disorder, due to age and other information as well.  And now, after my blood screen and ultrasound, our chances have dropped down to 1 in 4000 something.  So this is good news!

One last thing - this is kinda silly and may be TMI - but I can actually feel my uterus now!  It's this little hard bump between my hips and belly and its so exciting!  :)

Love you all!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some Upcoming Dates

Today we are 12 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

Hi all!  Just got back from a little visit to my OB/GYN, just routine (except for the FOUR VIALS of blood they had to take).  But I did get to hear the heartbeat for the FIRST TIME!!!  I didn't know this was going to happen, so since I thought this was going to be purely a "womanly visit" I told Shawn he didn't have to go.  So he is really bummed that he didn't get to hear the little wawawawawawa of the heartbeat, so I feel really bad :(.  But the heart is till a healthy rate of 150bpm, so it's a tad bit slower, but still in the normal range and over the old wive's tale girly limit of 140bpm.  So we'll seeeee!  Actually we'll see on the afternoon of Thursday, December 17th so mark your calendars!  I will be just two days short of 19 weeks then, so hopefully we have a cooperative baby and get to see his or her nether regions!  Other than that, my next OB/GYN visit (the gender visit will be at a different office) will be Thursday, December 3rd.  Should be another opportunity to hear the heart, so Shawn's definitely coming to this one!  Anywho, just that I'd put those dates out there for anyone who wants to keep track.  I'm just really happy we've got a really happy pregnancy going on here!  :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Last View Until December...

This one I found amazing because you can see the fingers and thumb.  The doctor showed us five fingers on each hand, too incredibly cute!  He also showed us the heart, the right and left ventricle, and said "This is a very good looking heart!"  Yay!!!  I still just can't believe that we can see the little nose, lips, everything.  I can't put into words how in love I am and how purely beautiful this little baby is already.  It's amazing to feel these first twinges of motherly love!!!


Another View

Just another view of our beautiful baby.  The doctor showed us the nasal plate, which was very comforting since 70% of babies born with Downs Syndrome don't have this nasal plate.  The NT measurement (fluid in back of the neck) was 2.1 which he said was 'very normal and a very popular number.'  This is also used to predict if the baby has DS.  We are awaiting the results of a blood test to accompany the scans, but I feel much better now!  :)  By the way, the baby now measures 5.9 centimeters crown to rump!

12 Week Debut!

You can see his/her hand (farthest away from you) perched upon the forehead, evidently we felt dramatic this day.  The arm closest to you is stretched out above the head and along the body, very relaxed.  You can see the thigh and where the leg bends at the knee where the beautiful leggies were kicking and stretching.  :)  I am in love with the most beautiful person in the world!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Oops - I Gave Y'all the Wrong Date...

Today we're 12 weeks, 2 days pregnant!

So sorry, I gave you all the wrong date for my NT scan, it's tomorrow, not today.  And truth be told, I'm so excited!  I can't wait to see our little buggie again on the big screen, and I'm secretly hoping that they'll be able to tell me the gender.  I know, I know, its a little early, but the almighty internet has provided me with stories of some finding out this early.  And we all know if it's on the internet, it must be true!  Haha!  Well, I will definitely keep everyone updated on our progress tomorrow and will get the scans up as soon as I can.  Til then!