So I realize I skipped out on my 37 week checkin. I'm getting lazy. Sorry. Pretty much all I can say is I'm uncomfortable (to put it nicely) and sometimes a little grumpy. I'm weighing in at 132, so a total of 30 lbs gained, however last night I was at 135 but peed out 3 lbs over the course of trying to sleep. That was very fun, struggling to get out of bed a thousand times. Anywho.
Today at our appointment, I am still one centimeter dilated but I am 60% effaced. Dr. Hart offered to strip my membranes today, but since I wasn't mentally prepared for it (control freak) and Shawn has two finals to turn in next week, we decided to wait until our next appointment, Friday the 7th at 11:20am. So we'll see if this gets things going!
I totally feel as if this little girl has definitely run out of room. Her movements just feel different and I can feel everything. I'm still hoping my belly doesn't split wide open at any moment.
We've gotten some things accomplished, we set up her bassinet, I set up a temporary changing and dressing station in our room (temporary since we are moving May 28th), and I've purchased mostly everything we need. All her clothing is laundered and folded, ready to go. Still to do is install the carseat and set up the stroller, pick up our glider, breast pump, and monitor (all has been ordered), and we need to pack our hospital bags. Then I just need to do one last clean sweep of the place to make sure we've got as much room as we possibly can have for when we get home and we're good to go! Oh, and then I just need to push a watermelon out of my body, that's all. ;)
Anywho, I'll put in a few pics for your enjoyment. :) If things change, I'll update here if I can!
Heeeere's me! One day short of 38 weeks...
Side view of the bassinet, given to us by Grandma Mary!
Front view, with our sleep positioner in the bassinet
Bird's eye view of Sophia's temporary changing station! Her temporary drawers are on the right hand side of the pic. We only needed enough space to keep a few weeks worth of clothing, so we made it work! But we've got diapers, wipes, lotions, burp cloths, wash cloths, etc all set up!
Now all we need is a baby to change... Check back for more updates! xoxo
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