Today we are 31 weeks, 2 days pregnant!
So I love saying that "we" are pregnant. It's just something that tickles me. But I read an article recently how some women think it is, and I quote, "the dumbest statement" and that the woman "is pregnant, not my husband." To this I reply, why so grumpy? After all, I would not be here without Shawn, and he wouldn't be here without me. We are having a baby, we are going through changes, and we are experiencing all the emotions, fears, excitement, etc about this baby, so yes, "we" are pregnant! And if any weird stranger has a problem with that, or thinks I'm dumb for saying it, well then they can kiss our pregnant butts. ;)
Anywho, I can't believe that there are less than ten weeks left. As a matter of fact, we've got 8 weeks, 5 days to go. Wow! 61 days! And there's still so much to do! And I am definitely getting to the point, if I haven't gotten there already, that I am pretty darn uncomfortable most of the time. Shortness of breath, extra weight, heartburn, and can I say hip pain? So I guess there is a good point to being so much closer to my due date! I feel more connected to this little baby every day, and I love it. When I am busy throughout the day, and don't get as much time to connect with her, to pay attention to feeling her move, I find myself feeling anxious throughout the night and normally have restless dreams. They normally wake me, and I will try to roll over a couple times to wake her so I can feel her move and count her little jabs. Only then do I start to fell a little better. This is the stage where she moves less than she did before, because she's growing so fast in my belly that she's starting to run out of room. I can't wait to be able to see her. I just can't. Though I know that a whole new set of fears will come into my life. This I know. Recent events in my life have made me realize this even more. I have found that the terror of losing a child is enough to strike fear in my heart already, and that I'm beginning to understand a mother's love.
So now for a little light-hearted fun, it's time for my weekly check-in, so here goes!
How far along? 31 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Just weighed in at 123.2, total of 21.2 lbs gained
Stretch marks? None yet :D
Sleep: Aside from a few restless nights, it's still pretty good
Best moment this week: Shawn and I found the cutest dress this week, and he loved it. Too bad they didn't have the right size for the seasons! But it just made me so very happy to see him so happy.
Movement: She's still active, but slowing a little because she's growing so fast. I still get my 10 movements in less than 10 minutes, though!
Food cravings: Not so much cravings this week, but I go from my salty to sweet to salty to sweet!
Gender: It's a bambina!
Labor Signs: Still some Braxton Hicks, especially when I'm moving around
Belly Button in or out? Out. Very out.
What I miss: Walking without pain!
What I am looking forward to: Our baby classes (childbirth, baby care, etc)
Weekly Wisdom: This love is different than anything I've ever felt, and it's wonderful.
Milestones: I totally feel and look pregnant!
Stay tuned for our next appointment on Friday afternoon! And here is a pic of me on Saturday, Shawn and I were doing some shoe shopping and I had to take a minute to sit!