She was literally smooshing her face to my belly the other day. Too bad Sophia kicked her a couple times, and all she could do was raise her eyebrows like, "what's going on?" Anywho, just wanted to share...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday Fun
Today we are 25 weeks pregnant!
Hi all! Just wanted to quickly stop in for our 25 week mark... This week I've gotten started on emptying out the guest room, and when I say emptying out, I mean going through loads of stuff Shawn and I had piled in the closet over the years and have let collect on the guest bed over the last few months. Thank goodness the stuff on the bed was mainly clean laundry, that I of course washed again, but going through stuff in the closet? Yikes! Being a pack-rat myself, somewhat reformed, I'm trying to be as logical as I can when making my "keep" and "toss" piles, but it is not without a brief trip down memory lane. I have decided to finally donate some of my nicer, but somewhat out of my style, clothing to a womens' shelter even though I selfishly hate getting rid of something I paid a lot of money for. But it feels good, one, to give to someone who needs it more, and two, to purge myself and our house of things I don't need. Now there are some items I'm keeping, because who knows when one might need that sparkly pair of DKNY pants that look so good on?!? I am happy I ran across an apron my Nonnie made that I got for my bridal shower, it's dainty and beautiful and everything that she was. Now I can't wait to get all the stuff out of there so we can finally start taking measurements and really truly picturing our baby girl's stuff in there. Our furniture should be coming in within the next eight weeks, and I just can't help but look forward to sitting on the floor with Shawn while putting together the crib and dresser and such. I am sure a few choice words will escape... ;)
Anywho, things are good, I'm feeling good, and life is good, so I am good. It's cold again here, for a bit, so it's back to snuggling under blankets and watching the fire, but I'm still itching for spring! I just love all the wonderful things that happen in the spring... Speaking of which, I'm extremely excited for my friend, Mara, who together with her hubby, are adopting a beautiful little girl this year! Sounds like many new things for them, too, huh? I can't wait to share stories with her on being a new mommy, I just wish they lived closer! So if you're reading this, Mara, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming addition! I just know you guys will have a full house someday soon...
So I'll leave you with my weekly check-in, and I feel very productive that I'm actually getting this done on our weekly change day...
How far along? 25 weeks! This Thursday, the 4th, we're down to 100 days. One hundred days. Wow.
Hi all! Just wanted to quickly stop in for our 25 week mark... This week I've gotten started on emptying out the guest room, and when I say emptying out, I mean going through loads of stuff Shawn and I had piled in the closet over the years and have let collect on the guest bed over the last few months. Thank goodness the stuff on the bed was mainly clean laundry, that I of course washed again, but going through stuff in the closet? Yikes! Being a pack-rat myself, somewhat reformed, I'm trying to be as logical as I can when making my "keep" and "toss" piles, but it is not without a brief trip down memory lane. I have decided to finally donate some of my nicer, but somewhat out of my style, clothing to a womens' shelter even though I selfishly hate getting rid of something I paid a lot of money for. But it feels good, one, to give to someone who needs it more, and two, to purge myself and our house of things I don't need. Now there are some items I'm keeping, because who knows when one might need that sparkly pair of DKNY pants that look so good on?!? I am happy I ran across an apron my Nonnie made that I got for my bridal shower, it's dainty and beautiful and everything that she was. Now I can't wait to get all the stuff out of there so we can finally start taking measurements and really truly picturing our baby girl's stuff in there. Our furniture should be coming in within the next eight weeks, and I just can't help but look forward to sitting on the floor with Shawn while putting together the crib and dresser and such. I am sure a few choice words will escape... ;)
Anywho, things are good, I'm feeling good, and life is good, so I am good. It's cold again here, for a bit, so it's back to snuggling under blankets and watching the fire, but I'm still itching for spring! I just love all the wonderful things that happen in the spring... Speaking of which, I'm extremely excited for my friend, Mara, who together with her hubby, are adopting a beautiful little girl this year! Sounds like many new things for them, too, huh? I can't wait to share stories with her on being a new mommy, I just wish they lived closer! So if you're reading this, Mara, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming addition! I just know you guys will have a full house someday soon...
So I'll leave you with my weekly check-in, and I feel very productive that I'm actually getting this done on our weekly change day...
How far along? 25 weeks! This Thursday, the 4th, we're down to 100 days. One hundred days. Wow.
Total weight gain/loss: We need to get a scale, last weight known 116 last Friday.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: Does anyone have a spare Tempurpedic mattress we could have? Or a cloud? Something?
Best moment this week: Today is apparently my "craving day." We ate bbq at Green Mesquite, got supplies to make me a brownie sundae, and I bought an O'Douls so I can taste fake beer. Yummmmmm! (See pic below)
Movement: Still a lot of movement! She seems to have a burst at 11:30pm and wakes up at 7ish am.
Food cravings: Cheeseburgers, Girl Scout Cookies, truffles
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No true signs this week, we just have some tightening and back pressure once in a while
Belly Button in or out? Right now very out, and feels like it's been kicked a hundred times
What I miss: Not having to wonder if I'll ever be able to wear certain pants again...
What I am looking forward to: Getting the guest room cleared out
Weekly Wisdom: Patience is a virtue
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Look How I've Grown!
Today we're 24 weeks, 4 days pregnant!
Hi all! I just thought I'd post a couple pictures so you can keep track of my ever growing belly! I said to Shawn today, "Hey babe, doesn't this shirt make my belly look huge?" His reply? "Nickie, I don't think it's the shirt..." Hahahahhah!
Hi all! I just thought I'd post a couple pictures so you can keep track of my ever growing belly! I said to Shawn today, "Hey babe, doesn't this shirt make my belly look huge?" His reply? "Nickie, I don't think it's the shirt..." Hahahahhah!
This (above) was me on Saturday, on our 24 week mark. Dig the maternity jeans...
And this is me today in my comfy clothes. One sexy mama-to-be, huh?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...
Today we are 24 weeks pregnant!
How far along? 24 weeks!
Well happy V-Day to me! What? No, I know it's not Valentine's Day, but today is what they call our "viability date" which is a decent milestone for me. What that means is at this point, if we happen to go into preterm labor, the doctors will now technically do all they can do to save the baby, whereas before this date, it would be just too early and not much could be done. So this day really does mean a lot to me, and with each passing day, the percentages get higher and higher as far as survival for our little one if we make an emergency trip to labor and delivery. Yes, I know I've been a nervous wreck since the day we found out we had a little life in us, but I'd like to think that it's just mother's love coming in strong, and I so desperately want to meet our new addition. Maybe it's been my lesson in life, knowing that things do not always turn up daisies and roses, and that horrible things can happen to those you love, that has made me so weary and tense sometimes, but I do completely understand now that we have so much to be thankful for. Even walking down the street, or doing something mundane with ease, I thank God that I am fortunate enough to have all my capacities and a healthy, strong body. It is a luxury that will never go unnoticed by me. But along with having all naïveté being cleared from my life, comes with it a sneaking suspicion that something dark may be around the corner sometimes. Does it make me more appreciative? Yes. Does it scare the crud out of me sometimes? Yes. And I know I probably seem like a crazy person when I ask my doctor a hundred questions, most recently, "when can I relax?" Her answer? "Never." Great. Oh well, in the words of a song, most popularly covered by Doris Day, what will be, will be. I am trying to adopt this attitude, and in fact, has even become my mantra in the past few years. Sorry for all the deep thoughts, but I want to be as honest as I can with my thoughts and feelings, even if some may say I'm a little overboard or a little cuckoo. I guess there's just a lot going through my mind lately...
Anywho, I've recently read Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy, given to me by Angela, and I literally laughed out loud many a time while reading. I strongly recommend this book to any pregnant woman, or anyone who has been pregnant. It's funny, it's frank, and it's just one of those books that makes you feel better that you can't poop, or about the numerous funny changes that invade your body, but I won't get into it here... I give it two thumbs up and a belly button sticking out! Which reminds me, it's time for my weekly update:
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed in yesterday at 116, so I've gained 14 lbs as of yet
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: Ugh, sleep is not the word for it, more like sporadic naps that take place throughout the night...
Best moment this week: Baby and I went to lay out by the pool for about 30 minutes, and I actually felt great in a bikini, belly and all!
Movement: Shawn got to feel a huge kick, and he even got to see one from the outside. We've got movement many many times a day!
Food cravings: Last night, I HAD to have a cheeseburger. Too bad I had to settle for a fast food one since it was almost 10pm. But I did finally get to make my red velvet cupcakes with chocolate chips inside and cream cheese frosting... Yum!
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No true signs this week, we just have some tightening and back pressure once in a while
Belly Button in or out? Oh she's a comin' out! It changes throughout the day, though. I'd say 60% of the time you can see it through my shirt...
What I miss: Honestly? My social life. It seems being pregnant makes you go lower on some of your friend's phone tree...
What I am looking forward to: Getting my house in order. Hurry up, nesting phase!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm going to have up moments, and I'm going to have down moments. I need to listen to my mind and my body, and things are going to change. Things are changing. But for these changes, I am thankful.
Milestones: Today we have a baby that has a chance if something goes wrong, and that makes me feel wonderful and powerful.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Is Spring Coming?
Today we are 23 weeks, 3 days pregnant!
Hello all! We've had some nicer weather lately, well heck, anything is nicer than freezing temperatures daily! I mean, a few weeks ago, the low was 12 (twelve!!!) degrees for two nights in a row! Geez! We've had some high 60's, low 70's and it has made me realize one thing: I cannot wait for spring! And even more, we'll have our little bundle of daisies this spring, so I can't wait for that even more. Anywho, Shawn and I are doing great, I'm still growing, and thankfully, feeling a little better. We've deduced that I pulled a muscle and that I just can't overdo it or it hurts all over again. Our last ultrasound couldn't find anything wrong, but I'm glad that we got one. The doctor said we have a "very active baby" and she's still looking good, so we're feeling good! :) Here's my latest picture, taken today, please excuse my lack of makeup or styled hair... Hope this finds you well!
Hello all! We've had some nicer weather lately, well heck, anything is nicer than freezing temperatures daily! I mean, a few weeks ago, the low was 12 (twelve!!!) degrees for two nights in a row! Geez! We've had some high 60's, low 70's and it has made me realize one thing: I cannot wait for spring! And even more, we'll have our little bundle of daisies this spring, so I can't wait for that even more. Anywho, Shawn and I are doing great, I'm still growing, and thankfully, feeling a little better. We've deduced that I pulled a muscle and that I just can't overdo it or it hurts all over again. Our last ultrasound couldn't find anything wrong, but I'm glad that we got one. The doctor said we have a "very active baby" and she's still looking good, so we're feeling good! :) Here's my latest picture, taken today, please excuse my lack of makeup or styled hair... Hope this finds you well!
Our next appointment is this Friday, January 22nd, so I'll update y'all then!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Today we are 22 weeks, 4 days pregnant!
Sooo I suppose every blog has to have a grumpy post, and, well, here is mine. I've been having a somewhat painful week and here's how it started:
Last Thursday, at approximately 9pm, I was sitting at my neighbor's watching the (terrible) UT vs Alabama game when all of a sudden, I felt this sharp pain in my uterine area. So I quietly got up and mumbled some excuse as to why I had to leave and limped home. At that point, the pain was so severe, it took my breath away. Shawn got me to lay down and relax and he asked me what I wanted to do. Not wanting to freak out, I told him we'd go to bed and see if I still had this pain in the morning, as I was hoping it was just something simple as gas. The next morning, pain still there, we made an appointment for that day to go in. At the OB's, they (a physician's assistant, all doctors were busy) checked me out, my cervix, etc. I was not in early labor and my test for being in labor any time in the next two weeks came back negative, and the baby vitals were all normal, so that's good. However, I was given basically no answers other than increase fiber and water and rest as it could be anything from constipation to a torn ligament. So fast forward to today, still having this pain. I'm frustrated because I really feel as if this pain was never taken seriously by any medical professional. Am I a doctor? No, clearly I am not, but I am a first-time pregnant 30 year old woman who knows her body. And quite honestly, I prefer to be treated as such and to be listened to.
So all my frustrations had culminated to me taking some action today. I called my OB's office (I won't even cover the 23 minutes I had to wait on hold, being disconnected, etc...) and finally spoke to my Dr.'s assistant (my doc is on vacay this week) and talked to her for 30 minutes. I assured her I don't think this is normal round ligament pain, and that I would appreciate an offer of an ultrasound to rule everything out. Forty-five minutes later, I got a call-back after she spoke to the doctor on call, and abracadabra, we have an appointment for an ultrasound Friday morning. Thank God.
Now I'm not saying that there is something hugely wrong with me, I'm just a little scared. Well, I'm a lot scared, to be honest. Shawn and I are already so in love with this little baby girl growing inside of me, and I don't know what I would do if I found out that something were wrong, especially if my quick action could have possibly helped. I just can't wait until we get to hold this little beauty in our arms!
So I will update once we get any word. Again, I don't anticipate any big news, rather I'm hoping to just say that it was something little. Also, our next normal visit with our doctor is Friday, January 22nd. That is also our 24 week mark, which they call our viability date, so we're looking forward to that! We hope this finds you all well and will update you when we have results. :)
Sooo I suppose every blog has to have a grumpy post, and, well, here is mine. I've been having a somewhat painful week and here's how it started:
Last Thursday, at approximately 9pm, I was sitting at my neighbor's watching the (terrible) UT vs Alabama game when all of a sudden, I felt this sharp pain in my uterine area. So I quietly got up and mumbled some excuse as to why I had to leave and limped home. At that point, the pain was so severe, it took my breath away. Shawn got me to lay down and relax and he asked me what I wanted to do. Not wanting to freak out, I told him we'd go to bed and see if I still had this pain in the morning, as I was hoping it was just something simple as gas. The next morning, pain still there, we made an appointment for that day to go in. At the OB's, they (a physician's assistant, all doctors were busy) checked me out, my cervix, etc. I was not in early labor and my test for being in labor any time in the next two weeks came back negative, and the baby vitals were all normal, so that's good. However, I was given basically no answers other than increase fiber and water and rest as it could be anything from constipation to a torn ligament. So fast forward to today, still having this pain. I'm frustrated because I really feel as if this pain was never taken seriously by any medical professional. Am I a doctor? No, clearly I am not, but I am a first-time pregnant 30 year old woman who knows her body. And quite honestly, I prefer to be treated as such and to be listened to.
So all my frustrations had culminated to me taking some action today. I called my OB's office (I won't even cover the 23 minutes I had to wait on hold, being disconnected, etc...) and finally spoke to my Dr.'s assistant (my doc is on vacay this week) and talked to her for 30 minutes. I assured her I don't think this is normal round ligament pain, and that I would appreciate an offer of an ultrasound to rule everything out. Forty-five minutes later, I got a call-back after she spoke to the doctor on call, and abracadabra, we have an appointment for an ultrasound Friday morning. Thank God.
Now I'm not saying that there is something hugely wrong with me, I'm just a little scared. Well, I'm a lot scared, to be honest. Shawn and I are already so in love with this little baby girl growing inside of me, and I don't know what I would do if I found out that something were wrong, especially if my quick action could have possibly helped. I just can't wait until we get to hold this little beauty in our arms!
So I will update once we get any word. Again, I don't anticipate any big news, rather I'm hoping to just say that it was something little. Also, our next normal visit with our doctor is Friday, January 22nd. That is also our 24 week mark, which they call our viability date, so we're looking forward to that! We hope this finds you all well and will update you when we have results. :)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Update, I've Got Your Update!
Today we are 22 weeks, 2 days pregnant!
Hi All! So in addition to our large purchases yesterday, I went ahead and found an offer I couldn't refuse on eBay today. I found the bedding I am in LOVE with (posted below) for $40 cheaper than anywhere, and she just had one set, so I caved and bought it! Yay! Anywho, here's my weekly check-in...
How far along? 22 weeks, 2 days
Hi All! So in addition to our large purchases yesterday, I went ahead and found an offer I couldn't refuse on eBay today. I found the bedding I am in LOVE with (posted below) for $40 cheaper than anywhere, and she just had one set, so I caved and bought it! Yay! Anywho, here's my weekly check-in...
How far along? 22 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: As of Monday, I've gained 11.6 lbs for a grand total of 113.6
Stretch marks? Nope, so I'm hoping I'm lucky since my mom didn't have any either...
Sleep: Still using my pillows, but one less thanks to Kim's gift of the Boppy Wedge!
Best moment this week: Knowing the baby is still healthy at our last (unplanned) visit. I apparently pulled or tore a ligament, had horrible pain for 12 hours (now a total of 4 days, but getting better), so went in and got checked. But it was a real relief to see that the baby's vitals were strong and good.
Movement: We've got movement every day, many times a day! So happy!
Food cravings: Still doughnuts, but added salads, potatoes au gratin, and steak
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: I think I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions last week, I had tightening in my uterus area with really weird pressure in my back. From what I hear, it's normal at this point once in a while, so not stressing about it!
Belly Button in or out? Flat, sore, the normal...
What I miss: Um, this may be TMI, but I really miss my normal digestive abilities. Got me, ladies?!?!
What I am looking forward to: The bedding and the diaper bag coming in! Also, seeing what Shawn picks out for the baby's coming home outfit - can't wait to find *THE ONE!*
Weekly Wisdom: This is REAL. And coming soon. We're going to have a daughter!
Milestones: Ordering the baby furniture and buying the stroller! This is REAL! And coming soon! We're going to have a daughter!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Oooh Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff!
Today we are 22 weeks, 1 day pregnant! 125 days to go!
So we've been making some good progress with nursery and baby gear decisions lately, and I'm proud that we're on the ball! I wanted to share some of it with you! Today we ordered our furniture with some very helpful coupons from Buy Buy Baby, and we also purchased our travel system, which was given extremely high ratings from many reputable sources, such as Baby Bargains. Shawn and I both love everything we got today, which makes it very comforting to know we both whole-heartedly agreed on these big decisions. Here are some pictures of either what we have already purchased or of inspirations and ideas for our nursery:
So we've been making some good progress with nursery and baby gear decisions lately, and I'm proud that we're on the ball! I wanted to share some of it with you! Today we ordered our furniture with some very helpful coupons from Buy Buy Baby, and we also purchased our travel system, which was given extremely high ratings from many reputable sources, such as Baby Bargains. Shawn and I both love everything we got today, which makes it very comforting to know we both whole-heartedly agreed on these big decisions. Here are some pictures of either what we have already purchased or of inspirations and ideas for our nursery:
Here is the furniture we ordered, Sophia by Sorelle. We chose the crib and the combo dresser with hutch on the right.
For the bedding, I have fallen in love with this classic and glamorous bedding, called Versailles. The picture frames to the right of the crib are super cute as well, but other than that, probably won't go crazy on getting all the accessories that go. I am thinking that I would love to accessorize with girly flowers to make it a shabby chic, French country type of theme. See below...
This is so cute and classic and above all, can go with so many different decorative items.
These cute storage baskets should add some color to the espresso shelves above the dresser / changing table and will add nice little places to tuck diapers, lotions, wipes, and powder away in.
I am eagerly awaiting our diaper bag, very generously gifted to us by Jamie (who's beautiful daughter is going to be on Toddlers and Tiaras in the spring!!!)
And last, but not least, here is our top-rated travel system, the Chicco Keyfit 30 in Adventure! We got to take this home with us today, in a box of course, but sooo exciting!
Anywho, I also plan on getting some wall decals, such as a decal of a chandelier that I'm in love with to go over the crib. I can't wait to start setting this nursery up! The furniture should be here in about 8 weeks, which should be around March, which would be perfect because we're hoping Mary will be paying us a visit in March, and would love for her to be there with us when we set things up. Grandma's impeccable taste to the rescue! :)
So there's my inspirations and choices for our nursery, we hope you like them! We also hope you are having a great start to the new year!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010, A Baby Odyssey
Today we are 20 weeks, 6 days pregnant! HALF WAY THERE!
Hi All, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm writing from snowy Lake Tahoe after a very yummy breakfast of pancakes and sausage cooked by our friend Paul and his fiancé Nina. Shawn, Paul, and Nina are out skiing, so I'm taking advantage of a little quiet time to update everyone. It's been a very nice Christmas, and we have so much to look forward to this year. Last week, Shawn and I had a little shower in San Diego, and between that and the mound of items (and clothes!) we received from Brian and Kim, we have so much stuff to gaga over already! Every day, things become more and more real, and as Baby Maurer grows, we feel her more and more. I feel kicks and flutters every day, which is so exciting! And she's definitely getting BIG, as mommy is, too. I will post pictures when I can, hopefully tomorrow, to be out and proud with my ever-growing belly... Anywho, here's a little check-in since I haven't done them in a while!
Hi All, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm writing from snowy Lake Tahoe after a very yummy breakfast of pancakes and sausage cooked by our friend Paul and his fiancé Nina. Shawn, Paul, and Nina are out skiing, so I'm taking advantage of a little quiet time to update everyone. It's been a very nice Christmas, and we have so much to look forward to this year. Last week, Shawn and I had a little shower in San Diego, and between that and the mound of items (and clothes!) we received from Brian and Kim, we have so much stuff to gaga over already! Every day, things become more and more real, and as Baby Maurer grows, we feel her more and more. I feel kicks and flutters every day, which is so exciting! And she's definitely getting BIG, as mommy is, too. I will post pictures when I can, hopefully tomorrow, to be out and proud with my ever-growing belly... Anywho, here's a little check-in since I haven't done them in a while!
How far along? 20 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: As of yesterday, I am now averaging about 111.5, so I've put on almost ten pounds!!!
Stretch marks? Knock on wood, none yet...
Sleep: I've discovered the use of a thousand pillows to prop various parts of my body where they need to be... Still not very good, though
Best moment this week: Realizing movement is every day, and seeing all the stuff we got from family and friends
Movement: I've discovered I love the kicks (for now) but not so sure about the "flutters." They're making me kind of nauseous! Is she doing cartwheels in there? But I feel both every day, so very comforting!
Food cravings: Doughnuts, Prime Rib, Rocky's Burgers
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: None, but I feel that belly stretching. Ouch.
Belly Button in or out? Still flattening and very sore towards the end of the day...
What I miss: Wearing my old jeans without having to wear ten thousand tank tops to hide the open fly!
What I am looking forward to: Really starting on organizing and finalizing nursery plans
Weekly Wisdom: Shawn is going to be an AMAZING father
Milestones: Hitting 20 weeks, the ol' halfway point! Oh, and my niece Mackenzie says "Baby Sophia" and my nephew Andrew crawled!!!
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