Thursday, October 29, 2009

Long Time No Write...

Today we're 11 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

I just had a great week-long visit with my family in San Diego, and though I'm very happy to be home with Shawn and the puppies again, I always miss being back home with my parents and sisters.  It was a great week, and along with all the visiting I got to do, I had a breakthrough with my morning sickness!  No more do I have it every day, only sporadically, so I'm hoping that this is the beginning of the end with the vomiting!  Yay!  I've put on a few pounds since my last ultrasound, much to my Dad's delight.  He kept telling me to eat and eat, and with his cooking, it's not that hard to do!

I also got to visit with Kim and Brian, my sis- & brother-in-law and their two beautiful babies.  I got to meet my nephew for the very first time, before Shawn, too!  We got to talk baby for hours and hours and with every passing word, I get more excited.

For the upcoming plans, we've got an ultrasound on November 2, which is at a different office since it is the Nuchal Translucency test ( which will be the only scheduled round of tests we're planning on going through.  So we're excited to have our second ultrasound which we will post as soon as we can, provided that we get copies!  :)  So I'd say check back by the 4th of November for those...

Anywho, I've got some stuff to plan and stuff to do, so feel free to comment with any questions or anything!   I'll write again soon!  :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Here and There...

Today we're 9 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

I'm really excited because tomorrow we get in to the two-digit week mark!  Silly, yes, but I feel that saying "I'm ten weeks" sounds so much more established than "I'm nine weeks."  Hey - I've never been known to be the most rational person in this world!  :)  I'm also really excited to enter my second trimester, which according to different websites, will be somewhere around October 31 to November 4.  I will be soooo happy to leave the gagging, the vomiting, the dizziness, the tiredness, and all that behind.  Well, at least until the latter part of my third trimester!  I also feel a little silly to admit that I am scrutinizing my belly every day to see if I can see the smallest hint of a bump yet!  I know, I know, I probably wont see anything until December, but I guess this is why first pregnancies are so fun and exciting!  Quite honestly, though, I do see a slight rounding of my lower belly, which seems to be consistent with the many websites I scientifically consult every day...  ;)

Shawn and I attended our first wedding while expecting last week, and to tell the truth, it was such a unique and neat feeling to remember ours and see us coming full-circle right before my eyes.  There were many wedding guests with whom I had attended high school, and the congratulations were plentiful!  As a matter of fact, as we approached the bride and groom to congratulate them, they congratulated us before we could even get there!  The support we have received from friends and family has been so great and so inspiring.  It reminds you how much people do care!  Mushy stuff, huh?

Anywho, I am so excited to continue seeing these changes in our lives, and I feel so grateful that I get to share them with people.  Which brings me to a question:  Since the heart rate was 161 bpm,  does everyone think it's going to be a girl?  My chinese lunar predictor calendar says we're having a girl...  All I know is I can't wait to find out!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Second Set of Scans...

Today we are 9 weeks, 3 days pregnant!

By the way, if you click on the pictures, they will get bigger :)

Our First Baby Pictures!

Here they are, the first pics of our little Maurer!!!  :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh, By the Way...

Our due date is projected to be May 15th!  Kim, I guess you and I are totally on the same schedules!!!  Hahahahahah!  :)

Saturday Night Fever Baby!

We're OFFICIALLY 8 weeks, 5 days, +/- a few days.

We saw the baby!!!!!!!!!!!  That little bugger was dancing like it was on American Bandstand doing the boogie with John Travolta!!!  We've got a healthy 161 bpm heart rate, and I do believe the doctor said it was perfect!!!  My next ultrasound will be in about 4ish weeks and we can't wait!  So many exclamation points today!!!  Anywho, I will post pictures as soon as we can get them scanned, which I hope is soon.  I can't wait for everyone to see the little dancer!

All the best,
Nickie and Shawn :)

Say a Little Prayer for Meeeee....

Today we're 8 weeks, 5 days.

Sorry, I love that song, the one used in My Best Friend's Wedding...  Anywho, I'm sitting here drinking my Carnation Instant Breakfast (thanks, Kim!), trying to keep it down, and I'm about to get ready to leave for my appointment.  I am really quite nervous, so if any of you read this before we get home, please say a little prayer for us.  Why is this so nervewracking?    

I'll update in a few hours...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thought I Was Just Lucky...

Turns out my luck has finally run out.

I finally vomited today, after a long and arduous train of vicious dry-heaving.  I guess I'm now a true-blue pregnant woman.  Just thought you all would want to know.  :)


False Alarm :(

Today we're 8 weeks, 4 days.

Well here I am frantically brushing my teeth and doing my hair in preparation for our big appointment.  And there the Hill Country OB/GYN is calling me to tell me my doctor had been called in for a delivery.  The good news?  That the doctors there deliver their own babies.  The bad news?  My appointment is no longer for today, but instead tomorrow at 10:30am.  Ugh!  I'm so disappointed, I doubt I got more than two hours of sleep last night worrying about today and poor Shawn had to take time off of a meeting this morning, only to have to turn around and rush to the office.  Now he has to tell them that he's taking off tomorrow morning at 10:30!  Oh well, ¡que sera, sera!

I will update you all tomorrow...  :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day!!!

Today we're 8 weeks, 3 days.

Not only is tomorrow our second anniversary (yay!), tomorrow is our first prenatal appointment and first ultrasound!  Just wanted to let y'all know!  Our appointment is at 10am central time, so hopefully I will update this as soon as possible with any pictures I am able to put up.  Until tomorrow!

PS - We're celebrating our anniversary on Friday night so we can have softball tomorrow night and celebrate the ultrasound tomorrow :)